Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesdays with Arty

My lovely friend Sarah is in from Cali and during our hang out time, she wanted to make art. Apparently she loves that I'm into art, so we listened to some soothing music and diddled in paint and wax and feathers to our hearts content! Our general focus was "Dreams" and boy did we interpret it uniquely!!!

About halfway through our excursion my sister came in from Yakima (she's going on a date and also wanted to surprise Sarah), so she got in on the action as well! It was a blissfully wonderful afternoon!

There we are...and there are some paintbrushes...good times!

Sarah and her lovely piece...

her piece close up!

all of our work on the table :)

When thinking about dreams, I was drawn simultaneously to the image of the camel pose (a very heart opening yoga pose) and the hawk...paired together the hawk just seems to be bursting from my heart, and truly this is my dream. The hawk is so fierce, independant and strong in what it wants. And yet the camel pose is a vulnerable position to be in. Being vulnerable helps me be strong!

A dream of mine is to honor the power inside of me.


Courtney Putnam said...

Fantastic! What a great way to spend a Tuesday...and what powerful, beautiful creations!


Jenna said...

it was so much fun! thanks for the inspiration (we modeled our day after your workshop!) :)