Friday, November 14, 2008


Fall inspires a sense of urgency, of storing up for winter, and I imagine myself like the squirrels hoarding nuts away for the long months ahead...

People laugh at how hard I've been working lately, saying "the wedding's stil over a month away," but with 9 graduate credits, planning a wedding, packing to move exactly 1 week before the nuptials, and attempting to work at least a few days at some schools, I can't afford to get lacksidaisical, so rather than an actual blog, it's a list of what i've accomplished this week...

1. wrote a paper for my counseling 513 class
2. wrote a paper for my counseling 551 class
3. attended 6 hours of class
4. began writing a paper for my counseling 540
5. bought all of my christmas gifts
6. wrapped all of my christmas gifts
7. baked 8 loaves of pumpkin bread
8. spent 7 hours making centerpieces for the wedding
9. found paper for the programs
10.found the pen for the guest book
11. found an apartment for us to rent
12. packed up all of my books, art supplies and yoga stuff
13. worked out
14. went to the husky game
15. got the marriage license

And that's all that I can think of, but there's so much to do in the next, moving, wedding stuff, internship stuff...

i'm overwhelmed

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